
April 14, 2015

Q | u | o | t | a | t | i | o | n | Don't Hide from Your Family ~ DAVID NIVEN

Sometimes when we think about trying to change our lives or improve ourselves in some way, we imagine that the safest way is to do it in secret. We'll just set out to change ourselves, then announce what we've accomplished when it's over. This idea is appealing because it reduces our sense of risk. If we don't tell anyone what we're trying to do, then we won't have to deal with others seeing our failure if we are unsuccessful. The problem with this reasoning is that by keeping efforts a secret to protect ourselves from failure, we make it more likely we will fail. Be honest with your family when you are pursuing change. Their support and attention will help keep your focus on what you want.


Reference : David Niven, Ph.D.; 'THE 100 SIMPLE SECRETS OF Happy Families, What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use it', CAPSTONE, New York, U.S.A., 2006.


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