
June 22, 2014

|Q|u|o|t|a|t|i|o|n| It's OK to Be Right When Everyone Else Is Wrong ~ David Niven

Responsibility carries with it a special burden. While others may think of themselves and their immediate needs, you must think about the entire family's long-term needs. It's not easy to see things differently or to propose what you think is a good path over what might be the popular path. But the long-term importance of making the right decision is far greater than the short-term value of making the pleasing decision.


Reference : David Niven, Ph.D.; 'THE 100 SIMPLE SECRETS OF Happy Families, What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use it', CAPSTONE, New York, U.S.A., 2006.


June 06, 2014

|Q|u|o|t|a|t|i|o|n| Dedication Matters More Than Occupation ~ David Niven

Parents probably suffer more with their work decisions than with anything else. Can I afford not to work outside the home? Can my family function if I do? Take comfort, whatever your decision, in the fact that the major indicators of life quality and life outcomes for children do not hinge on this decision. Your commitment to loving your family and dedicating yourself to them is far, far more important than your decision about whether or not to work.


David Niven, Ph.D.; 'THE 100 SIMPLE SECRETS OF Happy Families, What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use it', CAPSTONE, New York, U.S.A., 2006.