
July 26, 2014

|Q|u|o|t|a|t|i|o|n| Let Your Goals Live with You ~ David Niven

Maybe your career dreams were put on hold for a family. Or perhaps you gave them up altogether. If so, then you probably can't help but see your family as an obstacle to your goals. There is a great danger when you put your goals up on a shelf somewhere and dust them off every decade or so to see how you are doing. Your goals miss out on seeing your daily joys and frustrations, the life you have chosen. Instead, your goals become outdated and are based on a different time and place. When you take the time to look at them, your old goals can disappoint you, sadden you, even detract from the life you are otherwise enjoying. That is why it is so important to never put your goals away. Keep them with you. Keep them in mind every step of the way. Let your goals adapt to fit the life you are leading, the life you have chosen. There is never a reason to give up on your goals as long as you keep your goals in touch with your real life priorities.


Reference : David Niven, Ph.D.; 'THE 100 SIMPLE SECRETS OF Happy Families, What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use it', CAPSTONE, New York, U.S.A., 2006.